
Energy Committee - May 2019

On May 28th French-Korean Energy Committee, we were honored to welcome key representatives of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) who explained their role in financing, promoting and structuring green projects in emerging countries. They highlighted the increasingly important role of private funding to nurture climate change mitigation and the conditions for companies to take part in such projects through the 84 accredited entities such as the French Development Agency (check out GCF’s directory here ). In the 102 projects of GCF allowing to reduce 1.5 bn tonnes of CO2 emissions, more than 40% of financing comes from the private sector mainly under the form of grants and loans.

The Energy Committee was also the opportunity to do a round-table on the latest energy issues and the renewable energy roadmaps in Korea. Among others, in the hydrogen sector, KOGAS revealed an ambitious plan of US$4.01 billion to build hydrogen-producing facilities by 2030. Regarding biomass, the country is also forecasted to add 730 MW of biomass over the coming decade. In the nuclear industry, the government unveiled a blueprint to build up the nuclear decommissioning industry, with the aim of becoming one of the top five global players by the mid-2030s.

For the next editions, the Committee decided to focus on Open Innovation to promote French-Korean cooperation in the H2 and biomass sector in relation with the Korean Ministry of Industry and Energy and Korean professional associations.

 We would like to warmly thank Thomas Comte, FKCCI Vice-President and President of Vallourec Korea for his commitment as the head of the France-Korea Energy Committee and founder along with the other 5 founding members: Arkema, Framatome, Nexans, Hanwha-Total and Veolia. He will step out after 2 years of active involvement : “together with the support of the French Embassy and the FKCCI, we have decided to start the Energy Committee in 2017 to stimulate cooperation between both countries while promoting innovation toward a low-carbon economy. I would like to thank the core members who supported this initiative since the beginning and wish the Committee success in its future endeavors. I believe partnerships between France and Korea for green growth have great potential!”, he said. We will welcome Mr. Jean-Marc Otero del Val, CEO of Hanwha-Total, as the new head of the Energy Committee.


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