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Institut Pasteur Korea joins the ‘Children's Traffic Safety Relay Challenge’ Campaign.

The Institut Pasteur Korea(IPK) announced that CEO Dr. Youngmee Jee joined the ‘Children's Traffic Safety Relay Challenge' Campaign.

The ‘Children's Traffic Safety Relay Challenge’ is a participatory campaign launched by the Korean Ministry of Interior and Safety starting Dec. last year to improve awareness of children's protected areas and establish a social culture that first prioritizes the protection of children. The campaign is relayed by the way a participant shares the official slogan of children's traffic safety selected through a national public idea contest, that is 'First(1) Stop, To(2) Look Around, Three(3) Seconds to Wait, For(4) Preventing Accident,' on the social network service (SNS) and nominates the next participants.

Dr. Jee joined the relay following the invitation from Dr. Seo, Kyung-won, Director General National Institute of Food and Drug Safety. 

Dr. Jee said, “This campaign is a meaningful reminder of our roles and responsibilities as adults wishing for children’s health and happiness,” and added, “I hope this campaign helps to root the traffic culture that safeguards children in our society.”

As the next participants, Dr. Jee nominated Dr. Seung-Kyou Lee, Vice-president of Korea Bio, Dr. Eun-Hee Lee, CEO and Chairman of Green Cross Laboratories (GC Labs), and Mr. Seungho Jeon, CEO of Daewoong Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 

IPK is keeping active cooperation with all the nominated participants. IPK recently signed an MOU with the GC Labs in the field of infectious disease research and is discussing detailed strategies such as joint research project development. IPK and Daewoong Pharmaceutical are conducting a Phase 2 clinical trial in Mexico for Camostat (Daewoong Pharmaceutical’s Foistar Tab.) through a joint research for COVID-19 treatment development through Investigator-initiated clinical trials in overseas. In addition, based on constant and close communication and cooperation with Korea Bio, IPK is conducting a wide range of networking with the domestic bio and health industries.


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