MSF’s 2018 year-end campaign
Help Save Lives.
Join MSF’s 2018 year-end
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Médecins Sans
Frontières (MSF) provides
humanitarian medical aid in more than 70 countries around the world
65 million people are displaced by conflict, violence, and natural hazards. The
high level of violence of crises throws hundreds of thousands of human beings
on dangerous and risky routes seeking refuge in a safer environment.
provides assistance to populations caught in war and to people on the move
fleeing repression, poverty, or violence. Our teams respond to other
emergencies caused by outbreaks such as Ebola and natural disasters
and provide
care and treatment for patients with diseases such as tuberculosis and HIV.
10 million outpatients seen by MSF in 2017
volatile environments, MSF’s dedicated teams care for pregnant women and
newborns, treat the wounded and people with medical emergencies, manage chronic
illnesses, and respond to disease outbreaks, notably through vaccination
campaigns. MSF also works to meet other vital needs for vulnerable people such
as clean water, sanitation and malnutrition.
is the largest non-governmental provider of tuberculosis worldwide. MSF treated
over 3,000 patients for drug-resistant forms of the disease in 2017.
We Need Your Help
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MSF Korea
is seeking corporate and community leaders to help spread the value of humanity
and humanitarian medical aid. Funds will support MSF’s medical humanitarian
activities in over 70 countries worldwide. Partners will not only make an
impact on patient lives, but will also help raise awareness about humanitarian
aid in Korea. Thanks to
your support, MSF will continue to provide medical aid to vulnerable people in
Sans Frontières / Doctors Without Borders (MSF)]
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</w:wrap></v:imagedata></v:shape>Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international, independent, medical
humanitarian organisation, founded in 1971. In over 70 countries
around the world, MSF provides urgent medical humanitarian assistance for
people in need caught in conflict zones, epidemics, natural disasters, or
exclusion from health care.
Over 40,000 MSF aid workers work in extremely difficult and neglected
places around the world. MSF aid workers are professionals in various fields
such as doctors, nurses, logisticians, administrators, and mental health
specialists. MSF actions are based on medical ethics, and delivery of medical
aid to people, regardless of their race, religion, gender, or political
affiliation based on an independent assessment of people’s needs.
Our independence is facilitated by our policy to allow only a very
small portion of our funds to come from governments and intergovernmental
organisations.<v:shape id="Picture_x0020_10" o:spid="_x0000_s1027" type="#_x0000_t75" style="position: absolute; left: 0px; margin-left: 383pt; margin-top: 27.4pt; width: 54.5pt; height: 54.5pt; z-index: 251661312; visibility: visible;">
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</w:wrap></v:imagedata></v:shape> Ninety-five
percent of MSF's funding comes from individual donors and private corporations.
MSF was awarded the Seoul Peace Prize in 1996 and the Nobel Peace
Prize in 1999.
[Contact info]
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</w:wrap></v:imagedata></v:shape>MSF Korea
is calling for special donors for the 2018 year-end campaign running now until
the end of January 2019. If you are interested in supporting MSF’s work, please
contact Hanna Shin, Partnership Specialist at hanna.shin(@) / corporate(@) l +82 (0)2 3703 3573 l Shinhan bank 140-009-508856