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The Covid-19 post-crisis: round table organized by the Donga-Ilbo between the FKI, AMCHAM and the FKCCI

The Covid-19 post-crisis: round table organized by the Donga-Ilbo between the FKI, AMCHAM and the FKCCI

Donga-Ilbo published an article on Tuesday April 28 concerning the after Covid-19, seen by foreign investors in Korea, following a round table organized by the media between the Vice-President of the Federation of Korean Industries Mr. Kwon Tae Shin, the President of AMCHAM, Mr. James KIM, and the President of the FKCCI, Mr. David-Pierre Jalicon.

For David-Pierre Jalicon, this crisis is a historic moment for Korea, which benefits from unprecedented visibility abroad by its exemplarity in the management of the Covid-19 crisis. Indeed, the crisis did not hurt the sentiment of foreign investors established in Korea, but on the contrary reassured, by the ability of Korea to maintain its economic activity while containing the sanitary situation effectively.

The president of the FKCCI added that Korea is now raising expectations that should not be disappointed. Korea must take advantage of this opportunity by playing the card of openness and favoring all investment conditions.

Finally, David-Pierre Jalicon stressed that the crisis has shown that dependence on a superpower can have a strong impact on the ability of each country to maintain its supply lines and recalls the importance of a multilateral approach between intermediate powers such as France and Korea which deal as equals.

Read the Donga-Ilbo article here (KR)


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