Tech4Good 2024: Fostering Tech Collaboration Between France and Korea
The Tech4Good 2024 event, hosted by The French Tech Seoul with support from the French-Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FKCCI), successfully...
The Tech4Good 2024 event, hosted by The French Tech Seoul with support from the French-Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FKCCI), successfully...
On July 12th, the FKCCI, in collaboration with the Embassy of France in the Republic of Korea, organized a dazzling Bastille Day event that gathered...
La French Tech Marks 10th Anniversary, Fostering French Startups on a Global Stage Celebrating a Decade of Industrial Excellence: La French...
Relive FKCCI’s exceptional 2023 Gala: Celebrating Paris, the City of Champions, held on December 15th in the heart of Seoul.
Did you know that Air France was the first French company to set foot in South Korea?
As we are witnessing an acceleration of digitalization, in particular through innovations resulting from the blockchain, metaverse and NFTs...
Relive FKCCI’s unforgettable Gala 2022, held on November 11th in the heart of Seoul.
La campagne « Le français vous donne des ailes », créée par le Service culture de l’Ambassade de France en partenariat avec la FKCCI
Residing abroad entails many challenges for foreigners and their employers regarding social protection and taxation at the individual level.
Here is the 5th episode of our series Succeed in Korea with Sarah Philomena Schmidt!