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French Tech celebrates a decade of innovation in 2023

French Tech celebrates a decade of innovation in 2023

In 2023, the French Tech community marks a significant milestone - its 10th anniversary, serving as a time to reflect on a decade of groundbreaking innovation and look ahead to the next decade.

In 2013, The French Tech Mission was established with a vision to nurture and elevate the French startup ecosystem, both domestically and on the global stage. This ecosystem represents a dynamic fusion of startups, associations, and government, all working together to create and implement programs and measures that strengthen the French Tech industry.

Over the past ten years, the French Tech community has provided essential support to 245 startups through dedicated national programs, which underscores the community's dedication to fostering innovative companies within the French borders. Today, an impressive three-fifths of the French population engage with the solutions and services offered by the French tech startup ecosystem. Furthermore, there are now 115 French Tech capitals and communities, both in France and beyond.

France has successfully positioned itself as a genuine startup nation, with funding on the rise since 2013 and key private initiatives like the creation of Station F, the world's largest startup incubator housing over 1,000 startups and corporate partners such as Naver, Facebook and Microsoft. Meanwhile, Korea’s tech landscape is thriving with its own unique set of achievements, featuring the emergence of 12 unicorns (startups valued at over $1 billion) and numerous prosperous enterprises in high-tech sectors like AI, biotech, and fintech, with more than 30,000 startups and 130 venture capital funds.

To bridge these ecosystems and encourage partnerships between the two nations, French Tech Hub was created in 2016, resulting in numerous MoUs signed and mutual interest from both sides to develop partnerships in innovation. Taking this endeavor one step further, the French Tech Hubs evolved into French Tech Communities in 2019, in line with the French government's aspiration to place startups at the core of these thriving communities.

The 10th anniversary of French Tech is more than just a celebration; it's a reflection of a decade's worth of hard work, innovation, and entrepreneurial spirit and an opportunity for the world to celebrate not just French technology, but also the global impact of this dynamic community! As the French Tech community and its Seoul branch come together to commemorate this exclusive occasion, a special conference will be hosted on November 6th during the Tech4Good 2023, providing an opportunity for participants to discuss the past, present, and future of La French Tech in Korea.

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